Saturday 4 February 2012

Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism exaggerates the news in order to attract readers, create sensations and increase its circulation-that is, how many  people they reach or in other words the published and sold copies which leads to maximize its income as well. In all newspapers that rely on yellow journalism, journalists try to be the best by adding some sensational parts such as crimes, sex and corruption without caring if the resources that are used are false or semi-false. According to Frank Luther Mott, yellow journalism has main characteristics some of them are:
1-      Eye-catching headlines that grab the reader’s attention.
2-      Lavish use of pictures and drawings.

3-      Use of fake interviews and stories.
Today, people can see yellow journalism in several dailies for instance The Sun, The Enquirer, The Globe, The Star and The Examiner.
 This is an example of an article that is found in one of the yellow journalism’s newspaper, and refers to the one of the splashy headlines which is the celebrity gossip: 


woozy boozy Jennifer
Aniston drunk -dialed Brad Pitt, and got the shock of her life when
Angelina Jolie answered - a Jen insider told The Enquirer.__The
40-year-old Friends beauty - emboldened by a few glasses of wine
and still carrying a torch for her ex-husband - impulsively decided
to reach out to the Inglourious Basterds star, says the
insider.__According to the insider, Jen was home alone in her
sprawling Beverly Hills mansion in late September when she
dialed Brad after downing a few glasses of white wine.__"When
Jen drinks she tends to get sentimental," said the insider. "She
was feeling a little loose from the alcohol, so she called Brad's
cell, never imagining anyone but him would pick up. __When Jen
heard Angie's voice, she freaked out."__When rch-rival Angie
picked up Brad's cell phone, years of tension between the two
Brad-lovers detonated a long-simmering hatred.

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