Friday 23 March 2012

Humor, Objective and Citizen Journalism

Humor Journalism is also known as Fake news. One of the famous satirist news casters is Stephen Colbert. In his program The Colbert Report, he tries to follow the traditional news set format but with completely humorous content.

 Another journalistic style is the objective journalism. It is a neutral type of journalism which depends on the facts rather than the opinions, and it takes into the consideration the eyewitnesses of the event. This style of journalism has three main characteristics: separates facts from opinions, presents fair and unbiased news and prevents the journalists to show their emotions.

Finally, the citizen journalism has another common concept which is street journalism. It is not practiced by professional journalists, so it gives the opportunity for anyone to become a journalist and report breaking news that occurs around the world. Actually, it goes hand by hand with the new media technologies like iPhone and other smart phones and other social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and twitter. Examples of citizen journalism would the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement.

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