Saturday 24 March 2012

Video Games

 Video games are electronic games that allow the user to interact with a video device such as a television, computer or cellphone to generate visual feedback. There are two concepts related to video games which are the platform and the input device. The electronic system that is used to play these games is known as a platform. The input device has another synonym which is a game controller. On the other hand, the input device is used to manipulate video games. Additionally, there are different genres of video games such as casual games, serious games and educational games. Casual games are characterized by their ease of accessibility and comprehending. Serious games, however, have other goals beyond the simple entertainment goal, so they are designed primarily to teach some information and skills. Ultimately, educational games aimed to improve the technological, scientific, engineering and mathematical abilities especially for the students.

1 comment:

  1. when reading this i remembered the computer class from last semester that i hated so much !! btw that doesnt i hated ur blog :) I LOVE VIDEO GAMES <3<3
